鞍? 鞍?
?安圹圹膊鞍 ? ? 苘圹鄄舶??
安圹鄄 哌咣圮 槽圹哌咣圮
安圹鄄 咣郯 ? 苘苓哌哌哌苘 佰圹 咣郯
安圹? ??安郯 懿? 苒? 圹? 圹? ?安郯 ?
安圹圮? 圹?苒哕 ? 苒圹 ?安圻 佰圹 圹? 卟?
哌卟? 苒? 咣苘 佰圹? 苘 ? 圹郯 苒? ?
苒?苒圻 咣?鞍槽圹圹舶 苒? 哌? 苒圹 苒圻
苒圹圻 ? 苘苒圮 鞍圹郯 苒圹 安? 槽圹圻圹? ? 苘?
卟圹? 苒圹?苒圹?咣圹?圹? 佰圹? 哕苘? 佰圹?槽圹? 苘苘 苒圹
佰圹苓槽圹?槽圹? 圹郯 圹郯槽圹圹舶槽圻哌圮 圹郯 佰圹舶槽圻哌圮槽圹苓圮 ?
圹鄄 佰圹?佰圹 圹? 圹? 佰圹? 圹? 安郯圹? 圹郯 圹? 安郯圹? 圹?
佰圹? 圹? 圹郯 圹郯佰圹? 圹?安圹?哕? 圹郯 佰圹安圹?哕? 圹?佰圹?
苒圹 苒圹? 圹鄄苓圹鄄槽圹曹槽圹曹安圹? 苒圹 苒圹鞍槽圹 佰圹 圹鄄
咣圹 咣圹 哌圹? 咣圹 咣圹 咣圹 安圹鄄苓 咣圹 咣圹 安圹鄄苓 圹?佰圹?
? ? ? ? ? ? 哌? ? ? 哌? 圹圮槽?
苘苘? 苘苘 苘苒圹哌
苘圹圹哌圻圹圹苘? Yet Another KaffeRep 苘圹哌哌哌哌哌卟圹?
苒圻? 哌哌圹圮苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苒圻哌圻 圹鄄??
苒圹? ? 哌哌哌哌哌 ? 苓哕 圹鄄??
安圹郯 卟? 苒圮? ? 安? ? 圹鄄??
安圹圹? ? 佰圹舶 ? 咣苘苒鄄??
安圹圹舶 ? ?槽? 馨? 哌哌
哌圹圮苘懿圻 ?
Street Date: 2010-12-01
Rls Date...: 2011-01-13
Url........: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1194612/
Subs.......: Se, Eng
Every day, the world over, large amounts of high-level
radioactive waste cre- ated by nuclear power plants is
placed in interim storage, which is vulnerable to natural
disasters, man-made disasters, and to societal changes.
In Finland the world抯 first permanent repository is being
hewn out of solid rock ?a huge system of underground tunnels
that must last 100,000 years as this is how long the waste remains
苘苘? 苘苘 苘苒圮?
苘圹圹哌圻圹圹苘? kafferep@hush.ai 苘圹哌哌哌哌哌卟圹鄄??
苒圻? 哌哌圹圮苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苒圻哌? Enjoy! 圹鄄??
苒圹? ? 哌哌哌哌哌 苓哕 圹鄄??
安圹郯 卟? 苒圮? 安? ? 圹鄄??
安圹圹? ? 佰圹舶 ? 咣苘苒鄄??
安圹圹舶 ? ?槽? 捱哌咣?
圹哌圹圮苘懿圻 ? ?
圻 ?哌策哌 ? ?
? ? ? ?
? ?
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