2003-04-14 02:19:06.030 Connecting to
2003-04-14 02:19:06.140 Connected
2003-04-14 02:19:06.140 Send the initial connect info
2003-04-14 02:19:06.250 Initialization succeed
2003-04-14 02:19:06.250 server version, encryption type No
2003-04-14 02:19:06.250 Packet timing data request
2003-04-14 02:19:06.360 Timing test replies #0
2003-04-14 02:19:06.360 Connect to funnel
2003-04-14 02:19:06.470 Funnel was connected
2003-04-14 02:19:06.470 Media /dz/yanwf_a.wmv request
2003-04-14 02:19:06.580 Request media header
2003-04-14 02:19:06.640 Header request was accepted
2003-04-14 02:19:06.640 total 00:54:06; head size = 955 bytes; packet length = 4440 bytes; total 32451 packets
2003-04-14 02:19:06.690 Start streaming from packet 0
2003-04-14 02:19:06.800 Media packets follow
2003-04-14 02:19:06.800 This site can resume broken downloads.作者: 田伯光 时间: 2003-4-14 02:33:24