她的出现让久未有惊喜的爵士乐坛,灌注了一丝青春活力。此次第一张个人专辑Come Away With Me,Norah展现她精湛的琴艺与迷人的嗓音,专辑同名曲“Come Away With Me”(远走高飞)为四重奏编制的抒情慢板歌曲,Norah温熟的嗓音表现颇有大将之风,让人不禁想起另一位爵士女伶Diana Krall;“Seven Years”则以灵魂乐作为基调,搭配蓝调音乐里惯用的空心吉他滑弦技巧,将爵士、灵魂、流行、民谣等元素完美结合,是首相当精采的作品。
专辑另一焦点曲目“Nightingale”,为Norah个人的创作作品,以略带迷幻的编曲方式,成功营造出夜幕低垂的氛围里,淡淡的忧愁感受。 Come Away With Me是张横跨爵士、流行与民谣的精采佳作,Norah Jones让广大乐迷领会到原来爵士不只有传统的即兴摇摆,当它与其它乐种相融合时,也可以有这么精采的作品呈现。
文件格式:XviD + MP3
文件大小:1CD 50x15MB
影片长度:80 Mins
This movie has a very dumb plot designed for kids who are still in the "cool thieves who fool the police" thing. The actors are pretty bad and overact, especially the chief of police. Natasha H. was never a great actress and shows once again that she has no talent. Compared to Milla Jovovich, she is a pale figure. *** luck I could see this movie for free, it was dubbed in French and the dialogues were unreal and stupid, but this is certainly because of the bad dubbing (I had no choice). Dont see this in French !! It is terrible.作者: wudizt 时间: 2003-5-13 23:09:42