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Train.Crazy.Kids.2008.DVDRip.XviD-ARiGOLD [复制链接]

发表于 2008-11-7 09:00:38 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

◎译  名 
◎片  名 Train Crazy Kids
◎年  代 2008
◎国  家 美国
◎类  别 动画
◎语  言 英语
◎字  幕 N/A
◎文件格式 XviD + MP3
◎视频尺寸 528 x 384
◎文件大小 2CD 2 x 50 x 15MB
◎片  长 120 Minutes
◎导  演 Various
◎主  演 Train Crazy Kids

◎简  介 

This collection of 4 train shows will fascinate and enthrall your little one while introducing them to this classic mode of transportation! Learn all about trains while learning your ABCs in The Alphabet Train. See the basics of how trains work in Awesome Trains. Considering a career on the railroad? Then check out the various types of jobs from brakemen to yardmasters in I Wanna be a Train Engineer. Finally, have some fun with model trains in the I Love Toy Trains. Fun for the whole family! Show 1 (The Alphabet Train). All Aboard! Have your ticket in hand; our next stop is a fun-filled learning adventure starring your ABCs. Discover everything from Amtraks to Zephyrs railroad safety to whistle-blowing sounds all while learning the alphabet. Are you dreaming of a job at the railroad? You could be a Brakeman or maybe even a Yardmaster. The sky s the limit and The Alphabet Train is a nonstop ride down the track to success. Show 2 (Awesome Trains). Thundering down the railway comes Awesome Trains, a fascinating look into the massive machines that ride the rails. Hear from the women and men who keep them running, from the flashing of the lights to the blowing of the steam powered whistle. Take a ride on various different models and uncover what makes them run. With Awesome Trains you will delve into all the captivating aspects of this classic mode of transportation. Show 3 (I Wanna Be A Train Engineer). There s nothing quite like the sound of a huge train moving down the tracks, and all kids love the sounds of the old steam engines! In this program, Emmy Award winning host Steve Pool takes us on a tour of an actual working diesel. After talking to an authentic train engineer, we ll learn all kinds of fascinating information about trains, and what it s like to work on one. Then it s off for a ride on a huge old steam locomotive, where we ll actually sit up front in the engine compartment as its chugs down the line. Show 4 (I Love Toy Trains). From the most popular children s series in the country, I Love Toy combines the most exciting train action around, both real and play! Toy train bloopers coupled with award-winning music from James Coffey amount to non-stop amusement for children, Winner of the Parents Choice and Parenting Magazine awards for excellence, I Love Toy Trains is delightful entertainment for boys and girls.

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