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- 3/DVD/Apne.2007.LiMiTED.DVDRiP.XviD-D3Si/
【原 片 名】Apne
【外文别名】Ours (India: English title) (literal title)
【出品年代】2007 年
【IMDB评分】6.8/10 (214 votes)
【国 家】印度
【类 别】剧情
【导 演】Anil Sharma
【主 演】Dharmendra ... Baldev Choudhary
Sunny Deol ... Angad Choudhary
Bobby Deol ... Karan Choudhary
Shilpa Shetty ... Simran
Katrina Kaif ... Nandini
Kiron Kher ... Ravi
Victor Banerjee ... Ahsan
Javed Sheikh
Aryan Vaid ... Gaurav
【文件大小】2CD 2×50×15MB
【影片长度】175 Mins
【字幕语言】英文 (多语种字幕:英文/阿拉伯文)
Apne... is the story of a family... their relationship and their dreams... A father and his sons each have their own desires...aspirations...and hopes...
Baldev Sing Choudhary (Dharmendra) won a silver medal in the Olympics and made India proud. His only dream was to make history by becoming India's first world Heavy-weight Champion. But sometimes dreams shatter before they can be realized and make the heart bleed forever. Same fate awaited Baldev.
When in the US fighting for the World Heavy-weight Championship, the betting mafia conspired against him and got doping charges leveled against him, which got him banned from boxing.
For an athlete nothing can be worse than doping charges. He wanted to get rid of this stigma and pain by training his elder son Angad (Sunny Deol) in the sport of boxing and make him a world Heavy-weight Champion and create history which eluded him, but...
Angad had some other dreams...some other aspirations...some other commitments. Karan (Bobby Deol), the younger son, a musician at par, in spite of wanting to fulfill his father's dreams was helpless. What was this helplessness?
In spite of loving and living for each other why were these two sons not able to work along with each other to achieve their fathers dream?
Will they ever succeed?
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- 鸮^:,____________________________________________________________________,:^^?
- *Apne.2007.LiMiTED.DVDRiP.XviD-D3Si*
- 鸮^:,____________________________________________________________________,:^^?
- 鸮^:,_Info_______________________________________________________________,:^^?
- RELEAsE DAtE...: 2007
- CiNEmA DAtE....: 2007
- SOURcE TYpE....: DVD9
- MEDiA..........: XviD
- GENre..........: Drama
- CD SiZe........: CD1 /50 | CD2 /50
- RATiNG.........: 6.8/10
- URL............: [url]http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0814014/[/url]
- Subs...........: English
- MultiSubs......: English, Arabic
- 鸮^:,____________________________________________________________________,:^^?
- 鸮^:,_Plot_______________________________________________________________,:^^?
- Apne is the story of a family?their relationship and their dreams
- a father and his sons, each have their own desires?aspirations?and
- hopes.
- Baldev Singh Choudhary (Dharmendra) won a silver medal in the
- Olympics and made India proud. His only dream was to make history
- by becoming India?s first World Heavy weight Champion. But sometimes
- dreams shatter before they can be realized and make the heart bleed
- forever?the same fate awaited Baldev.
- When in the US fighting for the World Heavy Weight Championship,
- the betting mafia conspired against him and got doping charges
- leveled against him, which got him banned from Boxing.
- For an athlete nothing can be worse then doping charges. He
- wanted to get rid of this stigma and pain by training his elder
- son Angad (Sunny Deol) in the sport of boxing and make him a
- World Heavyweight Champion and create history which eluded him,
- but Angad had some other dreams some other aspirations?some other
- commitments Karan (Bobby Deol), the younger son, a musician at par,
- inspite of wanting to fulfill his father's dreams was helpless.
- What was this helplessness?
- Inspite of loving and living for each other why were these two sons
- not able to work along with each other to achieve their father's dream?
- Will they ever succeed?
- Will Baldev's dream ever be achieved or will it die along with him?
- As he has decided to end his life today.
- 鸮^:,____________________________________________________________________,:^^?
- 鸮^:,_Cast_______________________________________________________________,:^^?
- Dharmendra ... Baldev Choudhary
- Sunny Deol ... Angad Choudhary
- Bobby Deol ... Karan Choudhary
- Shilpa Shetty ... Simran
- Katrina Kaif ... Nandini
- Kiron Kher ... Ravi
- Victor Banerjee ... Ahsan
- Javed Sheikh
- Aryan Vaid ... Gaurav
- Dolly Bindra
- Jonnie Brown ... Luca Gracia
- Kurush Deboo ... Dr. Niranjan Sarabhai
- Divya Dutta ... Pooja
- Rajendra Gupta
- Amrit Pal
- Jonathan Samson ... Bodyguard
- Marvina Vinique ... Luca's wife
- 鸮^:,____________________________________________________________________,:^^?
- 鸮^:,_Contact____________________________________________________________,:^^?
- Got anything to offer? Email us.
- We Are Looking For Dumps (10mbit+) for exclusive d3si use,
- affils, anyone who can provide pre-retail dvds, screeners.
- If you can help with any of the above drop us a mail.
- [email]D3Sirox@hotmail.com[/email]
- 鸮^:,____________________________________________________________________,:^^?
- 鸮^:,_Greets_____________________________________________________________,:^^?
- - aM - EMERALD - XPD - ProjectX - Echelon - BrG - FanSuB -
- To All That Deserve It. :)
- 鸮^:,____________________________________________________________________,:^^?
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- DDDDDDDDDDDDD 333333333333333 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS iiiiiiii
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