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- 3/DVD/Tere.Mere.Sapne.1971.LiMiTED.DVDRiP.XviD-D3Si/
Tere.Mere.Sapne.1971.LiMiTED.DVDRiP.XviD-D3Si 暂无
◎译 名 暂无
◎片 名 Tere Mere Sapne
◎年 代 1971
◎国 家 印度
◎类 别 剧情/家庭/音乐
◎语 言 北印度语
◎字 幕 英文
◎IMDB评分 9.0/10
◎IMDB链接 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0067840
◎文件格式 XviD + MP3
◎视频尺寸 576 x 432
◎文件大小 2CD 2 x 50 x 15MB
◎片 长 175 min
◎导 演 Joy Augustine
◎主 演 Tigmanshu Dhulia (additional dialogue)
Ranjit Kapoor (dialogue)
◎简 介
Balu (Arshad Warsi) is a slick but flat-broke cabdriver whose life is changed forever when he picks up an unhappy young rich man named Rahul (Chandrachur Singh) at the airport one day. Bored with his privileged but empty life, Rahul convinces Balu to switch places with him. Rahul moves into Balu's home, where he falls hard for Balu's sister, Parvati (Priya Gill). Meanwhile, Balu realizes that the manager...
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RELEAsE DAtE...: 1971
CiNEmA DAtE....: 1971
MEDiA..........: XviD
GENre..........: Musical / Drama / Family
CD SiZe........: CD1 /50 | CD2 /50
RATiNG.........: 9.0/10
URL............: http://former.imdb.com/title/tt0067840/
Subs...........: English
Dr. Anand Kumar attains his degree in medicine and re-locates to a small
village to assist the local doctors there. Upon arrival, he is met by the
ailing Dr. Prasad and his wife, and hired on a salary of Rs.250/- per month.
He meets with the other doctors namely Dr. Kothari, an alcoholic, and Dr.
Bhutani, a dentist. Anand finds that he is saddled with all of Kothari's
work as well his own due to the reason that Kothari is drunk every night.
He nevertheless carries on, aided by the local school-teacher, Nisha Patel,
who he eventually marries. Then one day a proud father, Phoolchand, gives a
baksheesh to Anand for the safe delivery of his first-born. This does not
auger well with Mrs. Prasad and she fires Anand. Anand and Nisha re-locate
to Bombay, and after sometime Anand establishes himself as a leading doctor,
is honored for his thesis, and gets to be the personal doctor of a leading
Bollywood actress Maltimala. When Dr. Kothari and Dr. Bhutani go to visit
them, they find while Nisha is still the same good-natured woman, who is
expecting a child, Dr. Anand is a changed individual, who has no time for
friends, personal life, or even his wife, and is not even aware that she
is pregnant. The two return home disappointed, followed by Nisha, who has
decided to separate from Anand. Alone now Anand has time on his hands to
decide if he can divorce Nisha and marry the most sought-after actress
in India.
Dev Anand .... Dr. Anand Kumar
Mumtaz .... Nisha Patel/Nisha Kuma
Mahesh Kaul .... Dr. Prasad Kaul
Vijay Anand .... Dr. Jagannath Kothari
Agha .... Dr. Bhutani
Tabassum .... Maltimala's Hairdresser
Paro .... Mrs. Prasad
Leela Mishra .... Nisha's aunt (as Leela Misra)
D.K. Sapru .... Phoolchand (as Sapru)
Got anything to offer? Email us.
We Are Looking For Dumps (10mbit+) for exclusive d3si use,
affils, anyone who can provide pre-retail dvds, screeners.
If you can help with any of the above drop us a mail.
- aM - EMERALD - XPD - ProjectX - Echelon - BrG - FanSuB -
To All That Deserve It.
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[ 本帖最后由 tiger99513 于 2007-7-15 10:22 编辑 ] |