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Terror.In.The.Midnight.Sun.1959.DVDRip.XviD-FiCO 极昼恐慌 [复制链接]

发表于 2008-10-23 20:09:55 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
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Terror.In.The.Midnight.Sun.1959.DVDRip.XviD-FiCO 极昼恐慌

◎译  名 极昼恐慌
◎片  名 Terror In The Midnight Sun
◎年  代 1959
◎国  家 美国/瑞典
◎类  别 科幻/恐怖
◎语  言 英语
◎字  幕 N/A
◎IMDB评分 3.3/10  273 votes
◎IMDB链接 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0053232
◎文件格式 XviD + MP3
◎视频尺寸 512x384
◎文件大小 1CD 50 x 15MB
◎片  长 70 Min
◎导  演 Virgil W. Vogel
◎主  演 Barbara Wilson ...  Diane Wilson
      Sten Gester ...  Erik Engstr?m
      Robert Burton ...  Dr. Frederick Wilson
      Bengt Blomgren ...  Col. Robert Bottiger
      ?ke Gr?nberg ...  Dr. Henrik
      G?sta Prüzelius ...  Dr. Walter Ullman
      John Carradine ...  Narrator (US version)

◎简  介 

A glowing white spaceship lands under the snow above the Arctic Circle in the Lapland region of Northern Sweden. Believing it to be an unusual meteor, a team of geologists race to the site just in time to be menaced by a giant, furry, monster-faced something-or-other that looks like a drunken Chewbacca. The creature waddles around, wrecks a Lapp village, and makes like a puppy dog in heat for American figure skating champion Barbara Wilson. Carrying the gal in its hairy arms, the beat takes Wilson to the spacecraft where she has a close encounter with the spacecraft's alien inhabitants...

A Swedish-American co-production from the director of The Mole People and Sweden's first (and so far only) science fiction-giant monster movie, Terror in the Midnight Sun was shot in English, features a surprise peek-a-boo nude scene and is presented in its original uncut version for the very first time in the U.S.!

Plus: Invasion Of The Animal People, the much different, much altered U.S. version of the same film from schlockmeister supreme Jerry Warren (Teenage Zombies), who cut and re-edited the original, changed the plot, and added new shot-in-L.A. footage featuring John Carradine as host and narrator, in addition to lots of utterly pointless scenes including an unbilled bit by Warren regular Katherine Victor (The Wild World Of Batwoman) that will positively make your head spin!
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鄄哌 哌槽
? RELEASE TYPE..> XviD SUPPLiER.......> FiCO CREW ?? RELEASE DATE..> 2008.10.23 CRACKER/RiPPER.> FiCO CREW ?? STREET DATE...> yyyy.mm.dd ENCODER........> FiCO CREW ?? THEATRE DATE..> 1959 RATiNG [iMDb]..> 3.3 (273) ?? ViDEO CODEC...> XviD Koepi AUDiO CODEC....> LAME 3.9 ?? ViDEO BiTRATE.> Avg 1320 kbit/s AUDiO BiTRATE..> 75 kbit/s ?? ViDEO FORMAT..> NTSC AUDiO FORMAT...> MPEG1-Layer3 ?? RiP METHOD....> 2-pass ABR MOViE SiZE.....> 699mb ?? ASPECT RATiO..> 1.333 : 1 DiSKS..........> 50x15mb ?? RESOLUTiON....> 512x384 RUNTiME........> 70 ?? GENRE.........> Sci-Fi, Horror ?? SUBTITLES.....> None ?圮 苒
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鄄哌 哌槽
? Directed by Virgil W. Vogel ?? ?? Barbara Wilson .... Diane Wilson ?? Sten Gester .... Erik Engstr锟絤 ?? Robert Burton .... Dr. Frederick Wilson ?? Bengt Blomgren .... Col. Robert Bottiger ?? 锟絢e Gr锟絥berg .... Dr. Henrik ?? G锟絪ta Pr锟絲elius .... Dr. Walter Ullman ?? ?? After a herd of reindeer are mysteriously found dead following a ?? meteor crash in a remote part of Sweden, soldiers and a geologist are ?? called out to investigate. Just as they discover that the meteor is ?? actually a spaceship, a hideous monster destroys their plane and ?? kills the soldier guarding it. As the geologist (along with his ?? figure skater girlfriend) are trying to ski to safety, the monster ?? attacks again and kidnaps the helpless woman. What is this creature, ?? and can it be stopped? ?? ??苘? 苘 ?蒇槽圮 苒臂?鄄咣圹圹辈? 懿圹圹郾卟?? 苒圹辈? 圻苘?哌哌哌? 哌? 哌葸哌哌? 哌葸哌哕苘咣 卟圹郾? ?圮圹郾边 ? 薏苓鄄苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苒圻懿? 荥 卟圹郾苒
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