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- 最后登录
- 2012-1-25
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- 注册时间
- 2006-12-4
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◎中文 名
◎片 名 The Underwater World of Trout VOLUM
◎年 代 2007
◎国 家
◎类 别 专题
◎语 言 英语
◎字 幕 无字幕
◎文件格式 XviD + MP3
◎视频尺寸 576 x 432
◎文件大小 1CD 49 x 15MB
◎片 长 51 Min
◎简 介
In this unique video you will be taken into The Underwater World of Trout. The view under the stream is not as bucolic and stable as you have come to believe. A stream is alive, not just with trout and insects, but with minnows, crayfish, and a varied mix of living things. What looks like crystal clear water is chock full of sticks, leaves, bubbles and larvae. This exploration of a trout's world, from under the surface, opens your eyes to a new appreciation of trout and their living world.
This second voyage into The Underwater World of Trout answers the questions all anglers ask: Where are they? Why are they there? What are they eating? How do I recognize what is going on? In this study we go into the streams and examine the facts and get real answers.
圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹? 苘苘苘苘? 哌咣圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹?
圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圻 苒哌? 哌咣苘 哌圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹臂圹
圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圻? 苒? 卑 ? 哌圮? 咣圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹
圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹? 苒哌 氨 哌圮 哌圹圹圹圹圹圹圹
圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圻 苒? ? ? 边圮 咣圹圹鄄圹圹?
圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圻 苒?? ? ? 鞍 咣 咣圹圹圹臂?
圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圻 懿?鞍 ? 卑? 咣 圹圹圹圹?
圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹? 策 鞍 鞍 卑? 圮 咣圹圹圹
圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圻 鄄鞍 鞍? ? 卑 ? 咣圹圹?
圹圹圹圹圹圹圹?苒鞍鞍鞍鞍 ? 辈 咣圹圹
圹圹圹圹圹圹圻 捋?鞍鞍? ? 咣圹?
圹圹圹圹圹圹?薏?鞍?? ? 捋圹
圹圹圹圹圹圹 捋鞍鞍鞍? ? 圹?
圹圹圹圹圹? 郯?鞍鞍 ? ? 圹?
圹圹圹圹圹?掭鞍鞍鞍鞍 卑 ?捋?
圹圹圹圹圹?薇鞍鞍鞍 鞍 ? 陛 圹
圹圹圹圹圹?薨卑鞍? ? 掭 圹
鄄圹圹圹圹?薨卑鞍鞍 ???圹
圹圹圹圹圹?薏鞍鞍鞍鞍 鞍 ?捋
圹圹圹圹圹? 郯氨鞍鞍 卑?掭捋
圹圹臂圹圹? 郯鞍鞍鞍?? ? 鞍?掭捋
槽圹圹圹圹? 郯鞍鞍鞍鞍 ? ? 鞍 掭捋
圹臂圹哌? 薨鞍鞍鞍? ? 苘 卑 掭捋
臂圹臂 郯安氨鞍? ? ? 哌苘 ? ?掭捋
佰臂? 苘甙哌哌咣鄄脖鞍?? ?鞍? 哌? 苘哌? 鞍 掭捋
佰佰鞍薇 ? 咣郾卑 掭 鞍鞍 舶 圮哌 ? 鞍?掭捋
鞍鞍? 莅边圮 槽安? 哕? 鞍 曹?? 苘? 卑 ??
卑鞍卑 ??圹? 圹脖 卟咣 鞍?策曹? 哌 甙??
卑卑卑 掭?圯佰 ? 圹圮 臂 哕 ?? 曹苓陛?
卑卑? 掭 鄄 郾 槽圹圻? 臂圹苒弑哌咣败 圯?? 鼙 膊哕?
北北卑 ? 苘 咣? ? ?咣圮咣郾圻 苘圹圹圮?哕鄄? 鞍 避苓 鞍? ??
脖北脖?? 圹 辈曹哕? ? 咣圮圹 苒圹圹臂苒圻哕掭? ? 鞍?苒圻?? 鞍 鞭?
脖脖卑?掭 薏? 稗辈 ? 薨咣 臂圹圹圹圻 苒捋? 鞍鞍 郯 圹苓哌苘??苒
脖脖脖鞍 ? 卟??鞍氨膊 辈?圹圹哕圹? 苒圹蒇薇苘苘? 圹?苘苘苘咣 苒 ?
膊膊北卑 甙哕懿哕?? 鞍 ? 圹圹圹? 苒圹圹?哌苘苘 咣卟苒圹圹郯圮圹 圹
膊脖卑?哕辈哕 弑?? ?捋圹圻 苒哕圹圹郾苓? 哌鄄圹圹圻苒? 郾?捋?
圮 安脖北? 哕?哕? 掭 圹? 苒哕圹圹圹圹 圹圹咣圻 苒圹? 圹
咣? 膊脖北鞍 哕 哕?? ?薨 苒圮圹圹圹圹圯 薨圹圻 苒圹郾? 圹
?咣 膊北膊鞍 ? 茌 ? ?圮圹苒圹圹圹郯圻 佰? 捋圻 苒咣郾圹?捋?
哕 卟 膊脖膊 草哕苓咻? 圮 郯咣圹臂圹圹圻斑败臂鄄 捱 苒哕圹圹圻 郯?
?圮 哕 安?薏? 掭? 薇 哌苒咣圹臂?卑? 捋? 掭馨圹圹圹圹 薨圹?
膊 圮 圹圮 厕? ?掭? 薏 哌哌哌 ?懿?圯 薨圹圹郾圹 圹郯?
辈?圮捋圯哕苘郾? 稗莅 ? ? 苓苓 ? 鼙?捱 ? 稗佰哌? 掭 佰郯郯?
北膊 圹圹鄄槽蒉蒇? ?掭? 掭 鼙甙败? ? 佰? 掭 ? 苒 佰圹佰鞍
氨辈槽郯郾鄄薇槽 ??佰?? ? 薇苓 ??卟郾 ? 苒策 鞍佰郯氨?
鞍北槽圯掭捋槽 掭掭 鞍佰?? ? 薏 苓 鞍 ? 捃鄄?卟 ? 圻 鞍鞍佰鞍氨?
鞍辈槽??鄄?槽 掭 鞍圹?舶 ? 掭 懿 圻 鞍 卟膊? 掭 ? 鞍鞍卑鞍卑北
鞍膊圹 ??草 草 郯氨佰圹鞍? ? ?苒曹安苘? 槽? 鼙?掭 鞍鞍北鞍氨氨?
氨槽???槽 槽 郯氨佰圹圹莅 ? 苒?败? 薨哕 哌哌 圮? 鞍鞍北北鞍北脖
辈圹 ? 捋 ? 哕北圹圹圹舶? 卟 苓圹? 弑苘苓败 圯 卑鞍北北卑北辈?
安圯掭 ? ? 圹北鄄圹圹郯? 圹圹圮苘 臂 佰 北鞍北北北北脖膊
氨圯掭 ? ? 捋 圻郾安槽圹郾? 哕 咣圹圹圹圮败苒?辈蒈苘卑北北北北辈辈?
佰蒉? 圻圮 脖 ?圻圮咣鄄臂圹郯 哕?咣圹圹圹圹? 槽 哌咣圹圹郾辈膊?
佰蒉蒇草 边懿 掭掭 咣鄄郾圹圹? 斑苘 哌哕郾 槽 哌哌哌?
圯掭安蒉圮槽 ?? 哌鄄安圹郾 苘哌哌哌哌鄄 圯 ?
掭圯圹 圹哕 郯掭 咣膊圹鄄 哌 圯 ? ? ?
? 圹薇 哕 ? 咣圹圹? 掭
? 郾蒉? 咻 哌哌圹? ? 拜 ??
掭 臂?? 哌鼙苘 苓 ??
掭 圹 掭 哌哌圹避苘? 氨 ?
掭 圯 ? Another profound release 膊 ?
掭边苓 舶北
鞭苒? escaped the evil scientists 懿哌哕鼙辈
咣 懿氨苘馨弑?
at NODLABS... 捋?捃 策脖哕
? 圹? 哕策?曹
捱咣苘 哕草 莅
掭 咣圮 陛
掭 哌圹苒?
圹圹圹 ? ? ?
圹圹圹 圹圹圹 ? ? 苘? 臂莅 圹圹圹苘苘苘?
圹圹圹?圹圹圹 ?? ? ? 苘苒哌哌咣 圯 ?? 圹圹圹 圹圹圹
圹圹圹圹圹圹圹 鞍北? ? 苘圻? 圯 ? ? ? 圹圹圹 圹圹圹
圹圹圹 咣圹圹? 卑鞍卑? 苒甙 ? 圹 鞍?? 圹圹圹 圹圹圹
圹圹圹 圹圹圹 氨 鞍 苒鞍 氨 苻??氨氨鞍??圹圹圹 圹圹圹
圹圹圹 圹圹圹 ? ?? 苒卑 ? ? 鞍舶北氨鞍 圹圹圹 圹圹圹
圹圹圹 圹圹圹 ?安 捋卑 鞍 氨 ? 安北北鞍 圹圹圹 圹圹圹
圹圹圹 圹圹圹 圻 捋卑 ? 鞍鞍? ?舶脖舶? 圹圹圹 圹圹圹
圹圹圹 圹圹圹 捋 捋卑 ? 掭 舶辈安 圹圹圹 圹圹圹
圹圹圹 圹圹圹 捋 郾脖 ? elle!<VNS> ? 脖北脖 圹圹圹 圹圹圹
圹圹圹 圹圹圹 ? 北北?鞍 掭 膊辈? 圹圹圹 圹圹圹
圹圹圹 圹圹圹 ? 郾北鞍鞍? ? ?脖膊辈 圹圹圹 圹圹圹
圹圹圹 圹圹圹 捋膊北氨鞍鞍 鞍 苘圹?? 膊膊? 圹圹圹 圹圹圹
圹圹圹 圹圹圹 ? 捋膊北鞍鞍卑鞍 鞍 苒? 哌? ? 圹圹圹 圹圹圹
圹圹圹 圹圹圹 ? 鄄脖北鞍鞍鞍鞍 鞍 鞍 鞍 捋 辈 策 苘? 圹圹圹 圹圹圹
郯圹佰 圹圹圹 薨 薏膊北卑鞍鞍鞍 鞍? 圯 辈膊 圯苒哌咣? 圹圹圹 圹圹圹
郾臂北 郯圹佰 郯 鄄膊北卑氨鞍 苒圹? ? 草 膊膊 苒? 掭 郯圹佰 圹圹圹
脖安卑 郾臂北 郯 咣膊脖北鞍?苒? 捋 捋 膊 苒? ?郾臂北 圹圹圹
脖安卑 郯 鄄膊北卑?圹 圹苒圮苘圮 苒圯 ?脖安卑 圹圹圹
?苘苘苘苘苘苘 郯 鄄膊捋北斑? 圹圻 咣圹圻? ?苘苘苘苘圹圹?
捋 咣膊圹膊鞭?圻 北北? 圯 苒圯? 捋
圹? ? 捋 咣圹鄄膊圹?膊膊? 馨? 捋 圯 ? 圹?
郯? ?圹 北? 圯 圯捋苘圹苘 苒咿? 捋 圯 薇?圹 ? 郯?
郾? 圹郾圯 圯 圯 辈哌圹 斑哌? 圹 圮 苒? 捋臂圹 郾?
卑 ? 圹槽? 掭 掭苒圹 圯 捋 斑圹圹? 捋槽? ? 卑
? 捋圹 薏 圹哌 ?捋? 苒 圹圯 ?
?? ? 圹 捋 捋 槽 咣苘?苒? 圹 ? ??
郾? ? ? 圯 ?? 捋 捋 哌哌哌 ? ? 郾?
郯? ? ? 圯 鞍 捋 佰? ? ? 郯?
圹? ? ? 苒?? 鼙? 咣 ? ? 圹?
圹? ? ? 佰圻鄄圹臂圻? 咣 ? ? 圹?
圹? ? 哌 ? ? 圹?
圻 苒圹? 苒圹?咣
苒? 佰? 捋? 咣?
捋 ? 捋 ? ? ?圯 ?圯
圯 圹懿 败 苘?? 苓? 馨 曹圹 捋
捋郯苒? 馨 ? ? 哌? 败 佰馨圹?
捋曹圹圮 咣? ? ? ??圮? ? 苒? 苒圹懿圯
咣曹咣圹? 咣? ? ? ?苘苘苘 苘苘 苘苘?? ? ? 苒? 苒圹哕槽?
?咣圹苓圹苘 咣? 苘苻? 圹 圹 圹 ?圹 圹 圯苘? 苒?苘圹哕圹圻 ?
圹? 槽圮咣郾苘圹鄄 卟圯 槽 槽 槽? 槽苒? 捋策 槽圹苘臂圻苒鄄 苒?
圹? 甙鼙圮哌咣圹?圹圹郯 鞍 鞍 鞍 鞍鞍? 佰圹圹 槽圹哌哕郾馨? 圹?
圹? 哌咣 咣? 咣? 圻哌 圹?
圹? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 圹?
圹? ? ? 咣? 咣? 咣? ? ? 圹?
圹? ? 卟? 卟? ? 圹?
槽?捋 ? ? 圯 圹?
圹 圹
捋圹 捋 圯 圹圯
圹圯 ?The.Underwater.World.of.Trout.VOLUME1.STV.DVDRiP.XViD-NODLABS ?捋圹
薏圹 ? ?圹草
薏圹 ? ?圹草
薏佰 ? Title ..........: Discovery ?郯草
薏臂 ? Release date ...: 15 June 2007 ?郾草
薏臂 ? DVD Date .......: 12 June 2007 ?郾草
薏圹 ? Airdate ........: STV ?圹草
圹圯 ? Duration .......: 51:41 ?捋圹
? 圹 Video Format ...: XViD 1.1.2 Final 圹 ?
捋圹 捋 Video Bitrate ..: 1751kbps 圯 圹圯
薏圹 ? Resolution .....: 576x432 ?圹草
薏圹 ? Frame Rate .....: 29.970fps ?圹草
薏佰 ? Language .......: English ?郯草
薏臂 ? Sound Bitrate ..: 121kbps ?郾草
薏臂 ? Sound Format ...: Joint Stereo MP3 ?郾草
薏圹 ? Release size ...: 49x15mb ?圹草
圹圯 ? Source .........: DVD NTSC ?捋圹
捋圹 捋 Genre ..........: Special Interest / Angling 圯 圹圯
? 圹 圹 ?
捋圹 捋 URL ............. http://www.underwateroz.com/ 圯 圹圯
圹圯 ? ?捋圹
薏圹 ? ?圹草
薏圹 ? ?圹草
薏佰 ? Plot outline ....In this unique video you'll be taken into ?郯草
薏臂 ? The Underwater World of Trout. The view ?郾草
薏臂 ? under the stream is not as bucolic and ?郾草
薏圹 ? stable as you have come to believe. A ?圹草
圹圯 ? stream is alive, not just with trout and ?捋圹
捋圹 捋 insects, but with minnows, crayfish, and a 圯 圹圯
圹 varied mix of living things. What looks 圹
槽?捋 like crystal clear water is chock full of 圯 圹?
圹? ? sticks, leaves, bubbles and larvae. This ? 圹?
圹? ? exploration of a trout's world, from under ? 圹?
圹? ? the surface, opens your eyes to a new ? 圹?
圹? appreciation of trout and their living 圹?
圻 苒圹? world. 苒圹?咣
苒? 佰? 捋? 咣?
捋 ? 捋 ? ?圯 ?圯
圯 圹懿 败 苘???苘?苒???苘?苘? 馨 曹圹 捋
捋郯苒? 馨 圮 ???? ? 圮?圮 ?? 败 佰馨圹?
捋曹圹圮 咣? ?? 圮?圻? ? ??哕?圻?? 苒? 苒圹懿圯
咣曹咣圹? 咣? ? ? ?苘苘苘 苘苘 苘苘?? ? ? 苒? 苒圹哕槽?
?咣圹苓圹苘 咣? 苘苻? 圹 圹 圹 ?圹 圹 圯苘? 苒?苘圹哕圹圻 ?
圹? 槽圮咣郾苘圹鄄 卟圯 槽 槽 槽? 槽苒? 捋策 槽圹苘臂圻苒鄄 苒?
圹? 甙鼙圮哌咣圹?圹圹郯 鞍 鞍 鞍 鞍鞍? 佰圹圹 槽圹哌哕郾馨? 圹?
圹? 哌咣 咣? 咣? 圻哌 圹?
圹? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 圹?
槽? ? ? 咣? 咣? 咣? ? ? 圹?
圹 卟? 卟? 圹
捋圹 捋 ? ? 圯 圹圯
圹圯 ? ? ? ?捋圹
薏圹 ? 圮??苘?苘?苘?苘?苓? ? ? 苘 苒?苘?苓? ?圹草
薏圹 ? ???????圮 ??哌? 圻苒 ?? ? 圮 哌? ?圹草
薏佰 ? 圻??圻 圻 哕?圻?圮? ? ?哕? ? 哕?圮? ?郯草
薏臂 ? ?郾草
薏臂 ? ?郾草
薏圹 ? Rippers notes...Something especially for you fellow anglers ?圹草
薏圹 ? on the scene! Enjoy! ?圹草
圹圯 ? Left this at 29.970fps because it's meant ?捋圹
捋圹 捋 to be. If u still think you have found a 圯 圹圯
? 圹 dupe frame, please take a screenshot, print 圹 ?
捋圹 捋 it out and send it to your siteops. U will 圯 圹圯
圹圯 ? then be granted full refund. ?捋圹
薏圹 ? If you are not an angler, please don't ?圹草
捋圹 捋 become one after watching this: Leave the 圯 圹圯
捋圹 捋 fish to me ;) 圯 圹圯
薏臂 ? ?郾草
薏圹 ? ?圹草
圹圯 ? 苘? ? ?捋圹
捋圹 捋 ? ?苘?苘?苘?苒?苓? 圯 圹圯
? 圹 ?苘 ??圮 圮 ? 哌? 圹 ?
捋圹 捋 哕懿 圻?哕?哕? ? 圮? 圯 圹圯
圹圯 ? ? ?捋圹
薏圹 ? ?圹草
薏佰 ? 2HD 2SD AEN ?郯草
薏臂 ? And u people, u know who u are. ?郾草
薏臂 ? ?郾草
薏圹 ? ?圹草
圹圯 ? 苘 苘 ? ?苒?苘 苘 苒? ?捋圹
捋圹 捋 ????圻苒 ? 圮??? ? 圯 圹圯
? 圹 哕?哕?? ? ? ??哕? ? 圹 ?
捋圹 捋 圯 圹圯
圹圯 ? ?捋圹
薏圹 ? You should know where to find us. Else use: ?圹草
薏圹 ? ?圹草
薏佰 ? Local Tourist Info ?郯草
薏臂 ? ?郾草
薏臂 ? ?郾草
薏臂 ? We are looking for: ?郾草
薏圹 ? ?圹草
圹圯 ? USA EST/CST HDTV cappers ?捋圹
捋圹 捋 DVD suppliers 圯 圹圯
? 圹 Polonium 210 圹 ?
捋圹 捋 圯 圹圯
圹圯 ? ?捋圹
薏圹 ? 苘苘 ?圹草
薏圹 ? 苒哌? 苘苓哌哌苘 圻 咣 ? ?圹草
薏佰 ? ? 掭 苘圹 哕 捱 圮 咣? ?郯草
薏臂 ? 苒? 掭 苒甙捋 ? 哕 捋 圻 ? ? ?郾草
薏臂 ? 捋? 哕苒卑 稗圹 ? 捋? 掭 ?郾草
薏圹 ? 郾 圹卑鞍 掭圯? 掭 苒? 苒 ?圹草
圹圯 ? 捋苘苒 槽氨鞍 斑? 圹? 哌? ?捋圹
圹?捋 咣苒氨? 鞍?斑 ? ? 圯 圹圯
圹 鄄鞍 ? ? 圹
圹? ? 鄄北 ? ? ? ? 圹?
圹? ? 薏氨 ? ? 苒圯 ? ? 圹?
圹? 薏? 鞍 鞍 ? 圹圹? ? 圹?
圹? ascii scribbled 捋鞍 ? 败馨 ? 掭槽圹? ?by elle of VANDALs 圹?
圹? 郯?? 圹圹 ? 槽圹 ? 圹?
圹? ?[ASCII/LAYOUT] 薏? 稗莶圹 掭 槽圯 掭 ? 圹?
圹? ? 鄄? 掭 圹?掭稗? 捋? 捋 ? 圹?
圹? ? 捋脖 佰苒鞍 圹 圮圹圯 圮 苘苘 ? 圹?
圹? ? 苘苘苓郾?鞍 鞍圯 ?哌圻? 掭 咣? 避 ? 圹?
圹? ? 捋 哌? 郾 捋?? ? 捋 掭 ? 圹?
圹? ? 掭 苒圯? 鞍斑? 圻圮 掭 ? 圹?
圹? ? 圮? 圹 鄄? ??卑? 掭 ? 圮 苒 ? 圹?
圹? ? ? 圯 ?鄄? ? ?? 捋圻 ? 圹?
圹? ? 咣? ? ?鄄圯?? ?卑 圮苒?捋 掭 ? 圹?
圹? ? ? 圮 苒 咣苒? 佰?苒苒哌? 哌苓 ? 圹?
圹? ? 哌? 哌哌哌哌 ? 圹?
圹? ? ? 圹?
圹? ? ? 郯?
圹? 郾?
郯? ?圹? 圹? 圹圮苘 圹? 圹?圹? 圹圮苘 圹?? 脖?
郾? 圹? 圹?圹圻圹?圹?圹? 圹圮 圹?圹?圹圮 圹?圹?圹? 圹?
脖? 圹? 圹?圹?圹?圹?圹? 圹圻圹圹 圹?圹圻圹圹 圹?圹? 圹? 圹?
圹? 圹?圹圮圹?圹?圹? 圹? 圹?圹?圹? 圹?圹?圹? 圹? 捋?
咣? 圹? 圹?圹?圹?圹圹圹圯 圹? 圹?圹?圹? 圹?圹? 圹? 鄄
臂? 圹? 圹?圹?圹?圹? 圹?圹? 圹?圹?圹? 圹?圹圻圹? 圹?苓
槽 郯圮圮郯?郯?郯?郯? 郯?郯? 郯?郯?郯? 郯?郯?甙? 郯?
哕 郾边 咣北 郾?郾?郾? 郾?郾? 郾?郾?郾? 郾?郾?郾? 郾??
脖? 脖?脖?脖?脖? 脖?脖? 脖?脖?脖? 脖?脖佰脖? 脖?
? 苘?
This NFO might contain traces of Methyl fluorosulfonate
(F-SO2-OCH3), Cyclosarin (C7H14FO2P) or the Ebola virus
Viewers discretion is advised.