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- 3/DVD/Kaafila.2007.Limited.PROPER.DVDRiP.XviD-D3Si/
◎译 名 卡非拉
◎片 名 Kaafila
◎年 代 2007
◎国 家 印度
◎类 别 动作
◎语 言 印度语
◎字 幕 英文
◎IMDB评分 8.9/10 (46 votes)
◎IMDB链接 http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0886505
◎文件格式 XviD + MP3
◎视频尺寸 640 x 256
◎文件大小 2CD 2 x 50 x 15MB
◎片 长 02:27:54
◎导 演 Ammtoje Mann
◎主 演 Sunny Deol ... Transporter/Sameer
Ammtoje Mann ... Aman
Sudesh Berry ... Santokh Singh
Sumeep Kang ... Desi
Sachin Parekh ... Gujarati
Chandan Anand ... Rajasthani
Girish Jain ... Alec
Ashish Duggal ... Pakistani
◎简 介
Kaafila is the story of a group of people who are traveling illegally to UK. As it always happens they fall prey to an unscrupulous agent who creates circumstances that send them into hiding, somewhere in Eastern Europe for nearly six months. Left to fend for themselves , they discover each other and themselves.
After much hardships their journey resumes but this time at every step, death stares them in their face. Be it through the jagged jungles near Russia or the ship that hundreds like them are huddled into, the close knit group finds itself shrinking after each tragedy. Be it in the sinister snow or the sinking ship. Now only 12 men out of this group have survived. They are from different communities and different countries. But the trauma of tragedies has created a strong bond between them. In their effort to forge ahead closer to their dream, the innocent dozen finds itself trapped sometimes by the Russian mafia involved in the plutonium smuggling racket and sometimes by the militancy on the Afghan borders. Here they meet an Afghani girl who introduces them to the mysterious man of the mountains Sameer, enacted by the hero SUNNY DEOL. Sameer saves them from all attacks from friends and foes. The Kaafila now believes that only he can be their deliverer. But as the story unfolds, taking the contingent which started off from India, through Tajakistan, Russia and soon back to Afghanistan and Pakistan, doubts about the daring Sameer are raised. Can they trust him any further
As the Kaafila is the story of a group of people who are traveling illegally to UK.
As it always happens they fall prey to an unscrupulous agent who creates circumstances that send them into hiding, somewhere in Eastern Europe for nearly six months. Left to fend for themselves , they discover each other and themselves. After much hardships their journey resumes but this time at every step, death stares them in their face. Be it through the jagged jungles near Russia or the ship that hundreds like them are huddled into, the close knit group finds itself shrinking after each tragedy. Be it in the sinister snow or the sinking ship. Now only 12 men out of this group have survived. They are from different communities and different countries.
But the trauma of tragedies has created a strong bond between them. In their effort to forge ahead closer to their dream, the innocent dozen finds itself trapped sometimes by the Russian mafia involved in the plutonium smuggling racket and sometimes by the militancy on the Afghan borders. Here they meet an Afghani girl who introduces them to the mysterious man of the mountains Sameer, enacted by the hero SUNNY DEOL.
Sameer saves them from all attacks from friends and foes. The Kaafila now believes that only he can be their deliverer. But as the story unfolds, taking the contingent which started off from India, through Tajakistan, Russia and soon back to Afghanistan and Pakistan, doubts about the daring Sameer are raised. Can they trust him any further As the Kaafila look for answers about the man whom they looked up to, the story unravels the most spell binding climax on the borders of India and Pakistan.
Kaafila 是关于一群到英国非法入境的人的故事。无良的蛇头将他们藏匿起来,一般在东欧大约6个月的时间的事情经常发生。他们只能自己照顾自己,保佑自己。
饱经艰辛后他们的旅途在继续不过死亡阴影时刻伴随着他们。通过荆棘的俄罗斯附近的丛林或者是挤满数百人的,在大雪中或沉船中死人的悲剧时有发生。这组人中只有12个人幸存。他们来自不同的国家和团体。但是悲剧般的经历将他们紧紧团结在一起。在他们为梦想而奋斗时无辜的他们发现自己卷入俄罗斯黑手党放射性物质(钚)走私并处于阿富汗军事力量的边界。他们遇到一个阿富汗女孩把他们介绍给山中的神秘男人Sameer。Sameer将他们从敌友的攻击中解救。kaafila现在认为只有他可以送他们。但是他们从印度出发穿过巴基斯坦、俄罗斯现在又回到巴基斯坦,对勇敢的Sameer的怀疑产生了,到底他们能不能相信他。在Kaafila向他们依靠的男人 寻求答案时,故事也揭展示了印度和巴基斯坦边界的情况。
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RELEAsE DAtE...: 2007
CiNEmA DAtE....: 2007
MEDiA..........: XviD
GENre..........: Action
CD SiZe........: CD1 /50 CD2 /50
RATiNG.........: 8.6/10
URL............: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0886505/
Subs...........: English
Kaafila is the story of a group of people who are traveling illegally
to UK. As it always happens they fall prey to an unscrupulous agent
who creates circumstances that send them into hiding, somewhere in
Eastern Europe for nearly six months. Left to fend for themselves,
they discover each other and themselves.
Sunny Deol ... Transporter/Sameer
Ammtoje Mann ... Aman
Sudesh Berry ... Santokh Singh
Propered because BrG rip had bad aspect ratio. Source seriously messed
Got anything to offer? Email us.
We Are Looking For Dumps (10mbit+) for exclusive d3si use,
affils, anyone who can provide pre-retail dvds, screeners.
If you can help with any of the above drop us a mail.
- aM - EMERALD - XPD - ProjectX - Echelon - BrG - FanSuB -
To All That Deserve It.
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