- 在线时间
- 816 小时
- 最后登录
- 2023-8-21
- 阅读权限
- 210
- 积分
- 6338
- 110250
- 注册时间
- 2006-11-9
- 帖子
- 4878
- 精华
- 0
◎译 名
◎片 名 Thomas and Friends Engines and Escapades
◎年 代 2008
◎国 家 美国
◎类 别 动画
◎语 言 英语
◎字 幕 N/A
◎IMDB链接 [/url]
◎文件格式 XviD + MP3
◎视频尺寸 448 x 336
◎文件大小 1CD 25 x 15MB
◎片 长
◎导 演
◎主 演
◎简 介
Join beloved Thomas the Tank Engine and all his Narrow Gauge friends, as they head off on exciting adventures in the all-new DVD Thomas & Friends: Engines and Escapades, arriving in stores nationwide March 4, 2008. Thomas and his Narrow Gauge friends Duncan, Rusty, Freddy, Skarloey, Rheneas, Sir Handle, controller Percival and Thomas’ newest friend Madge, the kindly snub-nosed truck, come down the tracks in these six never-before-seen adventures with storyteller Michael Brandon. In addition, children can sing-along with the puffing steam cloud to two music videos.
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Video Codec............: XviD 1.1.2 Final
Video Bitrate..........: 831 kbps
Audio Codec............: MP3 VBR Stereo
Audio Bitrate..........: 128 kbps
Resolution.............: 448 x 336
Genre..................: Kids
Audio Language.........: English
Subtitles..............: None
DVD Date...............: 3.4.2008
Release Date...........: 3.5.2008
Link...................: [url]http://www.dvdempire.com/Exec/v4_item.asp item_id=1382053