867| 21
都说过年回家,我凑点热闹 (有PP有真相) |
上善若水 厚德载物
好的帖子就像女人的裙子, 短则短得刺激, 长则长得有内涵. |
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whose more the fool,the fool or the fool who follows?
一个民主国家,主权应该在人民手中,这是天经地义的事;如果一个号称民主的国家,而主权不在人民手中,这决不是正轨,只能算是变态,就不是民主国家...不结束党治,不实行人民普选,如何能实现民主?把人民的权利交给人民! (《新华日报》1945年9月27日社论) |
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Some people see things as they are and ask ‘why?’ I dream of things that never were and ask ‘why not?’” - Robert Kennedy
Do what you love, fuck the rest! 我的微博 Copywrong 2002-2009, no right reserved. |
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上善若水 厚德载物
好的帖子就像女人的裙子, 短则短得刺激, 长则长得有内涵. |
Some people see things as they are and ask ‘why?’ I dream of things that never were and ask ‘why not?’” - Robert Kennedy
Do what you love, fuck the rest! 我的微博 Copywrong 2002-2009, no right reserved. |
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上善若水 厚德载物
好的帖子就像女人的裙子, 短则短得刺激, 长则长得有内涵. |
Some people see things as they are and ask ‘why?’ I dream of things that never were and ask ‘why not?’” - Robert Kennedy
Do what you love, fuck the rest! 我的微博 Copywrong 2002-2009, no right reserved. |
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上善若水 厚德载物
好的帖子就像女人的裙子, 短则短得刺激, 长则长得有内涵. |
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