1.Beach Fire Dancers from Guitar Odyssey by Govi
2. Alegria from The Journey by Potsch Potschka
3. The Gates of Annwn from Œ'r Mabinogi by Ceredwen
4. Summer Rain from BandolÈ by Shastro
5. Walkabout from Escape by Mars Lasar
6. The Stone and the Rose from Somewhere in a Dream by Hisham
7. Fire from I-Ching Symphony by Frank Steiner Jr
8. Ever Returning from Flowing by Bernward Koch
9. Zorba The Buddha from Moon Shines Last by Ayman
10. Grazalema Plains from The Journey by Potsch Potschka
11. BandolÈ from BandolÈ by Shastro
12. Tears of Joy from Passion & Grace by Govi
13. Universe in Time from The Eleventh Hour by Mars Lasar
14. Rhiannon from Œ'r Mabinogi by Ceredwen